TCS NQT 2020 NINJA Interview Experience

Soumalya Mukherjee
4 min readNov 23, 2020

On November 11,2020, I received a mail from TCS Talent acquisition team stating that on the basis of my splendid performance in TCS NQT 2020 exam I have been shortlisted for the virtual Ninja interview process to be scheduled on November 13,2020 at 10:00 Am. On November 13, 2020, I received a call at around 4:40 Pm to join the meeting virtually on Microsoft Teams platform. There were 3 panelists : TR, MR and HR.

My interview started off with the HR asking me to mail her all my verified documents(viz. Marksheets and Govt ID proof). Then she asked me to show the hard copy of my Aadhar card in front of the webcam so that she could verify my Aadhar photo and number. After the verification process, she asked me to give a brief introduction about myself.

In my introduction, I mentioned about OOPS and DBMS and also talked about my project on Full Stack Web Development.

~How do you pronounce your name?[I had to pronounce my name in my accent].

Then she asked the TR to carry it forward.

The TR greeted me ‘Good evening’ with a smile.

~Good evening, How are you? I hope you are doing well.

A. Good evening sir, I am fine. How are you?(with a smile).

~I am fine too. Hope you are not nervous.

A. No sir, I am okay. Just I have no prior interview experience so…

~There is everything you have to experience for the first time. Okay. So let’s begin with the interview. I was going through your CV and found it very interesting. You have mentioned about C, C++ and Java in your technical skills. Okay, You have also mentioned about learning new concepts and ideas from YouTube and watching web series in your hobbies. So what web series’ have you watched till now?

[I answered that I have watched ‘Dark’ in Netflix during this lockdown period and currently watching ‘Money Heist’.]

Then he started asking technical questions. Questions asked by the TR are as follows :

~Differentiate C, C++ and Java.[Answered correctly]

~Differentiate variable and pointer[Answered correctly]

~Told me to write an output of a code snippet related to basic pointer concept.[Answered correctly]

~How memory management is performed in C, C++ and Java.[Talked about dynamic memory allocation in C but failed to explain in C++ and Java]

~What is garbage collector? Where do you use it? C, C++ or java?[I was unaware of this topic so I said I cannot recall properly]

~How many types of normal forms are there? Explain 3NF.[Answered correctly]

~Shared me a relation and told me to write a self join query with respect to the question. [He asked me to share my screen and write the query in notepad. I tried it for few minutes and then told him I can’t solve. He said the question is really difficult for you to solve but your approach of how to perform a self join is correct.]

~What is the use of JVM.[Answered correctly]

~Okay, we are done here. Best of luck for the rest of the process. Your smile is really a positive sign in you and its telling that you would do well in the next rounds. All the very best. [Then he asked the MR to carry it forward].

MR round began:

~Greetings Soumalya, lets continue with the interview

~According to you, what is communication? When it is possible?

~What have you done in your project? What are the technologies you used? What is the purpose?

[I talked about my project. Also mentioned that it was a team work. My part was to structure the web page using HTML and frame the documentation.]

~So, you are telling me that each one of your group member has been assigned a different role. On what basis have this roles been assigned? Were you sure that person was capable of performing that role before assigning it to him/her?

[I answered that I was not the group leader in my project. I have been assigned a respective role so I don’t have any experience in answering this question.]

~Okay, imagine that you are working in a group and each one of you has been assigned a different role which are not known by others. If one of your group member fails to perform his role, the project work cannot progress. In the middle of the work, you see one of your member is not performing well. How will you deal with the situation if the deadline of submitting the project is near?

~Assume there are 5 numbers, a, b, c, d and e. Average of 4 numbers excluding a is a. Average of 4 numbers excluding b is b and so on. Is it possible to calculate the average of 5 numbers.[Puzzle problem]

[Probably he asked one or two questions more but I can’t recall everything].

After the MR round, HR round began :

~So Soumalya, do you have any backlogs? [I answered ‘NO’]

~Do you have any year gap?[I answered ‘Yes’ (1 year)]

~Is the reason personal?[I answered ‘Yes’]

~Why are you not opting for higher studies?

[I answered that I want to join an IT industry right now, gain some practical experience. TCS is a renowned and well-reputed company and I would love working in TCS. Later I will decide if I want to…]

~Where do you want me to shift you?

[I answered ‘Newtown, Kolkata will be my preferrable location.]

~Are you comfortable if I shift you to ‘Chennai’?

[Yes mam, I am comfortable. I love travelling. I would love to explore new areas. I don’t have any problem with Chennai].

~Okay, we are done here. We will provide you our feedback later. Take care.

The interview lasted for around 30–35 minutes.

Waiting for the interview result. Hoping for the best.!!!


Soumalya Mukherjee

(Student of Computer Science and Engineering at RCC Institute of Information Technology)



Soumalya Mukherjee

Currently pursuing Bachelor of Technology in RCC Institute of Information Technology. Python Enthusiast. Front End Web Developer. Interested in sketching